The trusted leader in criminal background intelligence.

We offer the widest net of coverage, the freshest data, and lightning-fast turnaround times to help you gain a competitive edge.
  • Access 10,000+ trusted criminal data sources
  • Reach over 98% of the US
  • Flexible and customizable data APIs
Our partners:

The widest net of criminal data coverage

Access one of the largest criminal data sets, reaching over 98% of the population. 

We build, manage, and maintain our own database backed by a team of 75+ in-house Engineers. And we’ve established data connections with 2,400+ government sources at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels.


Lightning-fast turnaround times (TATs)

With our Automated Criminal Records product, access millions of court records in real time with direct-to-source retrieval.  

We’re adding new sources regularly and committed to a high standard of quality for continuous review and testing. Meaning your data is not only fast, but also trusted for accurate results. 

Flexibility and trusted partnership at our core

Our database APIs are built with developers in mind, making it streamlined and easy to onboard with Tessera.  

We stand behind our team of industry experts, from experienced Engineering to Customer Success and Legal teams, who are excited to partner with you to create the optimal solution for your needs.


How our platform works

Excited to learn more about Tessera? Connect with our team via the form above.


APIs that developers trust

Easily connect to our data sources through our reliable and industry-leading people-data APIs. We proudly stand behind 99.9% API uptimes and a high bar for accuracy and data quality.

We partner with the best

Already working with a background screening platform (like Accio or TazWorks)? We’ve teamed up with platform leaders to streamline your data workflows.

Flexibility and fairness at our core

Leverage our extensive search settings and 50+ filtering options to pinpoint the most valuable criminal data. Clear and relevant data means the opportunity to create a fairer screening experience.

Our suite of criminal data products


National Criminal Database

Search one of the largest criminal records databases in the US to inform people-risk decisions.


Automated Criminal Records (ACR)

Access millions of court records in real-time with direct-to-source retrieval – at a fraction of the cost of traditional court runners.


Continuous Monitoring

Effortlessly monitor an individual’s criminal activity over time – saving your clients time, money, and resources.


Alias & Address History

Access to over 300M consumer records and up to 40 years of personal history data using valuable sources, including PII, to streamline your background check processes. 


Driver History

Easily find driver violations and uncover recent accidents and their severity to help you assess and mitigate a driver’s potential risk.


Identity Database Verification

Save time and money by improving your background check processes. Instantly validate that the data on an ID matches a source of truth to answer, “Does this person actually exist?” before starting your search.

Ready to innovate your criminal background screenings?